Mother’s Day 2013

‘Miss Pickerell Goes Undersea’ was written by Ellen MacGregor and first published in 1953. Written for young readers, its informative and accessible style makes for an entertaining read. Your child will certainly enjoy this story of a [librarian-or-something] whose quest for her lost mars rocks (she was an astronaut too?) takes her into the high pressure environment of deep sea diving (science facts!). It’s uh. It’s filled with facts and fish and adventure (ugh, this is stupid…).


I have no idea if ‘Miss Pickerell Goes Undersea’ made for a compelling read for my young self. I can’t remember any of it. All I can remember is my frustration with the assignment of writing my first book report for school. I just couldn’t get it through my [8 year old? 9 year old?] small head why anyone would care about what I thought about a book.

“Why don’t they just read it? Why do I have to write this? I don’t know what to say.”

Naturally, my mom/teacher (I was homeschooled through 6th grade) came to my rescue. Comforting when I needed assurance, firm when I needed motivation, Mom coached me along until I finally put erase-able pen to paper. It all made for a lengthy, frustrating day even for me, the obstinate child. I have no idea how Mom was able to keep her cool while she coaxed a performance from me. But, I’m better for it.

Most impacting that day was the affirmation of finishing. After I handed in my paper, Mom gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No,” I replied.
“Next time it’ll be easier now that you know.”

Boy was she right! Now, I spend a great amount of my free time reading and researching a Book (sorry Miss Pickerell) in the hopes that I’ll get to report what I’ve learned to people who might care.

Though that one day didn’t set me on some fatefully sure path to take me to where I am now, it did serve as a step in the right direction. My mom’s coaching affirmation dispelled my dread of writing. And it never resurfaced.

Reflecting on recent years, not much has changed. Though almost all the particulars have shifted, our relationship is fundamentally similar. I still need encouragement from my Mom. She still gives it masterfully.

For all your encouragement,
For all your prayers and efforts,
For being the kind of mother it’s easy to brag about,

Thanks. I love you.
Happy Mother’s Day!

1 comment
  1. Esther said:

    Thank you precious one. How easy you make it to encourage and love on you. I continually thank God for giving me the privilege of Mothering you (and your sister of course :)) And thank you for the encouragement you give me. Now, living in our “empty nest”, it’s too easy to lose track my importance to your day to day lives. I appreciate the reminder. (sniff, sniff) xoxoxoxo

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